How do we separate our messages in a sea of sameness?
Just because our messages are all similar during lockdown, doesn’t mean we have to lose all our personalisation in our communications. It feels like we are all awash in a sea of sameness where one Club blurs into the next. We are all limited to take away food promotions, pre made cocktails, online raffles and trivia. BUT do we really have to forsake the personalised message for all our members?
The amount of same same communications I have received (being a member of many clubs) is downright depressing! Never forget that the first few lines of an email communication decides if a member continues to read on or hit delete – and every time they hit delete, they are less likely to open your next communication. Relegating your message from important to junk in the readers eyes.
Bulk SMS is currently running rampant – but so is the unsubscribe rates that go along with a bulk targeted approach with no personalisation whatsoever. Seeing hundreds of members opting out of SMS communication week after week just breaks this marketing girls heart. All that hard work cultivating a relationship of trust broken in an instant. SMS is a personal communication strategy – it hits direct to a member’s phone – so you better have something worthwhile to say!
Sending me an SMS about your raffles when I have purchased previous tickets? Great. When I have never? Not so great. Sending me a message 3 weeks in a row – Disaster! Not only have you now missed the opportunity to talk to me in the future, but you have also broken my trust with your Club.
So how do I mass market my online raffles without alienating the relationship I have with my members I hear you ask? You include it in an email which allows you to add a personalised section at the top of your communication. You can always send the link to the email in an SMS to a selected amount of members with a message that reads along the lines of “First Name – We have some exciting updates just for you! Click below to see how you can participate in our virtual club activities.”
In your email communication the personalised information you can include can be:
Your birthday rewards – if they have missed a birthday, how they will work when the club reopens
Your tiering status credits – are you prorating their earn to keep them on track? Are you simply skipping a demotion period? How are you the club going to protect their loyalty?
Any tiering gifts/bonuses that are happening for them – Are they getting bonus tickets in raffles? Are they being sent gift cards, bonus points added to their account? How is the club looking after the top tiers in the lockdown?
Point Wipe Hold – We know you have XXX points and don’t worry they are not going anywhere!
Demotion Holds – We know that we had a scheduled demotion for September, but don’t worry this has now been skipped and your xxxx tier is safe
Basic member information – If none of the above apply then a simple banner with a members name, membership number and tier level will apply. A simple nod to the fact that this communication was made for them.
Once you have their attention with information all about them – then you are free to mass market to your hearts content. Lead into this with something along the lines of “While we wait to be able to welcome you back in person, there are a range of exciting things happening at our Club……..”
For more articles and helpful hints head to From the Vault — Buzz Consultants