Staff induction journey

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You’ve gone through the onboarding process. It is the new staff members first day and the first thing we do with them is an induction. This could be a series of meet and greets, a tour of the venue and a manual. In other words, information overload!

How much do you think they retained through all their nerves? Although we expect them to re-read and ask questions, the chances are very slim.

Organising staff meetings to update and reinforce is not always achievable- especially during these times.

If you are on our BuzzConnect communications platform we can tailor a Staff Information Journey for you. Drip feed important information to your staff via email, so they get a clear picture of what happens in your venue. Remember a picture can paint a thousand words so it’s really helpful to have these messages sent after the initial induction.

Things to include could be:

  •                Members rewards program

  •                Member communications – how to read a point statement

  •                Regular changes – such as cocktails of the month and where to find this information

  •                Major functions/events held at the club

  •                How to apply for leave

  •                Policy’s & Procedures

  •                New/old staff introductions

  •                Who is the management team/directors in the club

Take this one step further and incorporate feedback forms, surveys, or quizzes.

Keeping the staff in the know, trained, and updated is a big key to their work satisfaction and feeling like they are part of a team.

For more articles and helpful hints head to From the Vault — Buzz Consultants


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