Don’t add more tech for tech’s sake!
Gaming and Membership system- check!
POS system- check!
Restaurant booking system- check!
There is no doubt that the pandemic has resulted in a tech boom, the likes we have not seen for quite some time. Most companies spent the time in lock down creating, advancing and managing their tech solutions and these busy bees are no exception. However, with the addition of so much tech at some point a Club will have to ask what benefit will this add to my members/visitors/staff? Or am I just adding tech for techs sake?
Before you think to add more tech into your Club, it’s important to honestly ask yourself how much value are you getting current systems? Some Clubs have all the bells and whistles, but only make use of 25% of these features. How long did it take you to get members opted into gaming databases, update their details or validate their email or mobile number?
So, the question needs to be asked – If we are not using our current tech, what makes us think we will use something new? How much time does it take to update campaigns, content or instructions to staff, members or visitors? How much time is invested in setting this up? On the other hand, tech can go too far with automations taking over everything we do – so we are not applying our own Club logic to the systems. These automations or algorithms can be layered in the background which leaves Clubs not knowing how or why they are rewarding their members.
There is no question that clever technology needs to be a part of Club life moving forward, but it needs to be able to give you the flexibility of changing and setting up your own campaigns as well as automating the no brainer campaigns such as birthdays, renewals and new member.
Any new tech solution added to your venue should be a whole of club solution to ensure that the Club gets the best out of what you have already invested in. It should also be able to change with your business strategy and can be reviewed and refreshed to move along with your target member segments.
Too many offerings in the market duplicate the gaming system and don’t integrate back. Imagine not being able to set up a promotion to print to your kiosk from your gaming system! As we all know our gaming system is a huge cost to all Clubs and it is the source of truth when it comes to your membership, loyalty and carded member activity. Every other system should use the gaming system as the basis of truth.
How about throwing into the mix a purpose-built BI tool with all cross sections of your key data along with a communications platform with all the smarts and you have yourself a member engagement machine ready to fire for when you reopen your doors!
With all the above thinking in mind, it’s no wonder BuzzConnect has been gaining rapid traction in the market. From large to small Clubs and everything in between BuzzConnect powered by BuzzBi, collects gaming, POS, membership and voucher reporting to deliver member insights like never before. The big difference is that Clubs get not only the tech, but the strategy and people power behind the tech to ensure you are using 100% of the functions.
Now at Buzz we know that data is worth nothing unless you do something with it- and quickly! You want to be able to use your data to:
· see what the behaviours of your members are,
· analyse where your growth areas and members are,
· action the data into targeted rewards and information,
· review the results of your actions,
· adjust any actions
Feed this data into the Buzz Communications platform and you have accurate data to target members that show real results!
The ability to have a 360-degree solution that will give you back control and confidence of your strategy and member engagement drive is key in these times. At the end of the day, we want our tech solutions to enable us to work smarter and quicker than we have before, while still giving us the control over what messages go out and to who.
For more articles and helpful hints head to From the Vault — Buzz Consultants
Member engagement drive is the key in these times